Chromatographic Media
SEPLIFE® Chromatography medias Chromatography separation medias are based on Agarose & Dextran& polymer matrix. Chromatography is a technique that is used for separation of mixtures.The components of the mixture to be separated flow through the stationary phase material at different rates, which creates waves or bands. Originally, those bands were detected by visible color differences. Detection methods are now based on the chemical and physical properties of the molecules being separated, including, but not limited to color, UV absorbance, size, charge, and hydrophobicity. Sunresin offers a wide range of Seplife ® chromatography media that provides unique selectivity, high efficiency, and scalable operations from capture to polish applications. Sunresin has exploited three matrixes, Agarose and Dextran-based chromatography medias could replace the GE life science( Sepharose and Sephadex series )completely but in a saving costs, while polymer-based chromatogra...